WIDEF partners with the Fund for Global Human Rights and Action Group on Free Civic Spaces on the Safeguarding Digital Rights in Nigeria – Project Phase II.

The Project which falls under the aegis of the “The Security Playbook” aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  1. Create awareness and increase citizens’ and stakeholders understanding of digital rights issues.
  2. Reduce digital authoritarianism, human rights violations, and unauthorized digital surveillance and monitoring of citizens’ online activities
  3. Drive legal and policy reforms with clear guidelines on protecting civil liberties in the Nigerian digital space.
  4. Establish monitoring frameworks and enforce compliance with digital surveillance standards among all government and private sector stakeholders

The project’s activities include hosting a High-Level Stakeholders Consultation on Digital Rights and the Digital Rights Awareness and Social Media Campaign themed the Digital Rights Online Education (DRONE) Project.

We are pleased to invite other Stakeholders in the ecosystem to partner, collaborate and support us as we embark on Phase II of the Safeguarding Digital Rights in Nigeria – Project.

For More Information, kindly visit our website: www.widef.org or please send an email to info@widef.org.

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